ويكي Clash of Clans Arabic


"The Mortar can mow down hordes of enemies by the splash damage from its shell. Don't let enemies get too close to it!"

ملف:Mortar1.png ملف:Mortar2.png ملف:Mortar3.png
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
ملف:Mortar4.png ملف:Mortar5.png ملف:Mortar6.png ملف:Mortar7.png
Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

  • Summary
    • Mortars are the player's heavy defenses. Whenever an enemy comes into range, it blasts out an explosive shell with a low frequency "ping".
    • Mortars have high damage per attack and deal splash damage, but shoot an explosive shell every 4-5 seconds. Their splash damage, combined with their long range makes them deadly weapons against large numbers of weak enemies, such as Barbarians, Archers, or Goblins. Its major disadvantages is its inability to attack enemies at close range, and its low fire rate. (Tile range of "blind spot" is 4 tiles.)
    • Fast troops like Goblins can easily dodge its attack.
    • Mortars can not target air troops.

  • Defensive Strategy
    • Mortars should usually be placed towards the center of your base . This should be preferably done behind Walls. Their large range allows the Mortar to attack behind other structures. Since Mortars deal heavy splash damage, they can quite rapidly eliminate attacking Troops. Multiple Mortars ensure more destruction and damage. Take care when upgrading, as many players use this as a chance to attack.
    • At each level the Mortar can one-shot an Archer (at level 1 it can one-shot level 1 Archers, level 2 can one-shot level 2 Archers, etc.).
  • Offensive Strategy
    • The Mortar's blind spot, low rate of fire, and inability to target air Troops makes them vulnerable to a wide variety of different attacks. Fast melee troops such as Barbarians or Goblins (after all resource structures are destroyed) can rush to the Mortar and quickly enter its blind spot. Archers can also be effective if they are positioned in a circle around the Mortar. The Mortar's relatively low hitpoints makes it very vulnerable to Giants as well. Finally, their inability to target air Troops makes Mortars easy pickings for Balloons, Dragons and Minions if they are not covered by Air Defenses.
    • When deploying Troops, try to avoid deploying ground troops in clumps. The Mortar does wicked splash damage.

  • Trivia
    • A level 4 Mortar acquires a major graphic change, as the shell shot out is a black, opposed to a gray stone shell from level 3. 
    • A level 6 Mortar acquires a major graphic change, as the shell shot out is a golden fiery ball.
    • A level 7 Mortar acquires a major graphic change, as there are now bone fragments and its all black.
    • There is an Achievement, called Mortar Mauler, achieved when you destroy a certain amount of Mortars on multiplayer. 
    • The reason why the Mortar has such a low Damage per Second is because it is a slow firing turret.
    • Everytime a Mortar shell hits the ground the screen shakes slightly.

Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number Available 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 3 3

Level Damage per Second Damage per Shot Hitpoints Cost قالب:Res Build Time Experience Gained قالب:Res Town Hall Level Required
1 4 20 400 8,000 8 Hours 169 3
2 5 25 450 32,000 12 Hours 207 4
3 6 30 500 120,000 1 Day 293 5
4 7 35 550 400,000 2 Days 415 6
5 8 40 590 800,000 4 Days 587 7
6 9 45 610 1,600,000 5 Days 657 8
7 11 55 640 3,200,000 7 Days 777 9

Range Attack Speed Damage Type Unit Type Targeted Size
4-11 5s Splash - 1.5 Square Radius Ground 3x3