Clash of Clans Hungarian Wiki

"The Archer Queen is an eagle-eyed warrior, whose weapon of choice is a modified X-Bow that few men could dream of wielding. She can attack enemy villages or guard your village."

Queenaltar Fájl:IMG 0066.png

  • Summary
    • The Archer Queen Altar is basically a Barracks/Army Camp/Laboratory for the Archer Queen. When she isn't engaged in battle, the Archer Queen can be seen pacing around her altar or sleeping on top of it to regenerate.
    • If you wish to see her targeting range, click on the Archer Queen herself rather than on the Altar.

  • Defensive Strategy
    • A good place to put the Archer Queen Altar is by your Town Hall, so if enemies approach the Town Hall, she will auto-target them.
    • If farming (or just treasure-hording) it is a good idea to put the Altar either in the middle of your storages or right next to them.
  • Offensive Strategy
    • Lure her out with single Troops until she is out of range of other defenses, then mass deploy troops to kill her.

  • Trivia
    • Added with the 10th January 2013 hero update.
Cost Dark elixir Build Time Hitpoints Unlocked Unit Size Town Hall Level Required
40,000 None 250 Archer Queen 3x3 9
Védelmi Épületek CannonArcher TowerMortarWizard TowerAir DefenseHidden TeslaWallsTrapsX-Bow
Nyersanyag Épületek Gold MineElixir CollectorDark Elixir DrillGold StorageElixir StorageDark Elixir StorageBuilder's Hut
Katonai Épületek Army CampBarracksDark BarracksLaboratorySpell FactoryBarbarian King AltarArcher Queen Altar
Egyéb Épületek Town HallClan CastleDecorationsObstacles