Clash of Clans Hungarian Wiki

For the Builder Base building with the same name, see Elixir Storage/Builder Base

Elixir Storage14

"These storages contain the elixir pumped from underground. Upgrade them to increase the maximum amount of elixir you can store."

Elixir Storage1 Elixir Storage2 Elixir Storage3 Elixir Storage4 Elixir Storage5 Elixir Storage6 Elixir Storage7
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Elixir Storage8 Elixir Storage9 Elixir Storage10 Elixir Storage11 Elixir Storage12 Elixir Storage13 Elixir Storage14
Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14

  • Summary
    • The Elixir Storage allows you to save your hard-earned Elixir so that you can use it for future upgrades.
    • The amount of Elixir an attacker may loot depends on the defender's Town Hall level (See Percent Lootable by Town Hall Level below).
    • When your Elixir Storages are full, any Elixir gained from raids will not go into your Elixir Storage but will count to the total amount of loot stolen from the player. It will also count toward the Elixir Escapade Achievement.
    • Elixir Storages are still fully functional while being upgraded.
    • Upgrading your Elixir Storage to a higher level than you require for storage purposes can potentially save Elixir in a raid. As an attacker receives an amount of Elixir proportional to the percentage of damage each hit causes, the higher health of the upgraded building results in less Elixir per hit. It also takes longer to destroy, giving you more time for your defenses to destroy the attacker before they can steal all the available Elixir.
    • The Elixir Storage is the counterpart of the Gold Storage, and vice versa.
    • Although it stores Elixir, it is upgraded with Gold.

  • Upgrade Differences
    • Elixir Storage undergoes significant visual changes at levels 5, 9, 10 and 12.
      • At level 1, the Elixir Storage consists of a stoppered spherical storage vessel supported by a pair of wooden stakes.
      • At levels 2 to 4, one more container is added at each level.
      • At level 5, the vessels are replaced by a single, large vessel. A large cork is placed on top of the storage.
      • At levels 6 to 8, the container continues to grow larger.
      • At level 9, the two wooden support stakes are removed in favor of four golden yellow footings. The vessel's stopper is also replaced by a grey metal spigot near the base of the vessel.
      • At level 10, the four footings received spiked armor plating on each corner.
      • At level 11, the Storage gains a spiked metal band around the waist of the vessel.
      • At level 12, it gains large stone footings, parts of the spigot are lined with gold, and a large hole is cut in the top, similar to the Dark Elixir Storage.
      • At level 13, like the Gold Storages, all spikes are removed and replaced by a few large spikes. The large hole on top is lined with a dark gray color.

  • Trivia
    • The word "Elixir" comes from "al iksir", which is the Arabic word for miracle substances. Dating back to the third century BC, Elixir was rumored to change base metals into gold and prolong life indefinitely.
    • Troops running from the Barracks to Army Camps that pass behind a storage will be seen as a silhouette as they pass behind.
      • This only happens if Elixir Storages are upgraded to level 5 or higher and are more than half way full.
    • As of the 7.156 update, storages are completely immune to the effects of the Lightning and Earthquake Spell.
    • The level 9 storage tank seem to be "floating" on its supports.
    • It is possible to overflow the Elixir Storage, but only by purchasing special resource packs found in the shop for real money or receiving extra Elixir from the Season Bank. If this is done, any excess Elixir will remain in the storage, and until the excess is removed (either by spending the Elixir or being raided), any Elixir earned from raids will be lost, just as if the Elixir Storage was full.



Sablon:NumberAvailable Sablon:BuildingSize


Storage Capacity


Build Cost

Build Time

Experience Gained

Town Hall Level Required

1 1,500 400 300 10s 3 1
2 3,000 600 750 15m 30 2
3 6,000 800 1,500 30m 42 2
4 12,000 1,000 3,000 1h 60 3
5 25,000 1,200 6,000 2h 84 3
6 45,000 1,400 12,000 3h 103 3
7 100,000 1,600 25,000 4h 120 4
8 225,000 1,700 50,000 5h 134 4
9 450,000 1,800 100,000 8h 169 5
10 850,000 1,900 250,000 12h 207 6
11 1,750,000 2,100 500,000 16h 240 7
12 2,000,000 2,500 1,500,000 3d 509 11
13 3,000,000 2,900 3,000,000 6d 720 12
14 4,000,000 3,300 4,500,000 9d 881 13


Gold/Elixir Storages—Percent Lootable by Town Hall Level
Town Hall Level % Available to be Stolen Cap Storage Amount to Reach Cap
1 20% 500* 2,500
2 20% 1,400* 7,000
3 20% 20,000* 100,000
4 20% 100,000* 500,000
5-6 20% 200,000** 1,000,000
7 18% 250,000 1,388,889
8 16% 300,000 1,875,000
9 14% 350,000 2,500,000
10 12% 400,000 3,333,333
11 10% 450,000 4,500,000
12 10% 500,000 5,000,000
13 10% 550,000 5,500,000
*Figures in asterisks denote storage caps that are determined only by the storage capacity of the storages.
**This applies to Town Hall 5 but not Town Hall 6.
Gold Mines/Elixir Collectors—Percent Lootable by Town Hall Level
Town Hall Level % Available to be Stolen Cap Storage Amount to Reach Cap
1 50% 500 1,000
2 50% 2,500 5,000
3 50% 30,000 60,000
4 50% 100,000 200,000
5 50% 250,000 500,000
6 50% 300,000 600,000
7 50% 450,000 900,000
8 50% 600,000 1,200,000
9 50% 700,000 1,400,000
10 50% 875,000 1,750,000
11-13 50% 1,050,000 2,100,000
Dark Elixir Storage—Percent Lootable by Town Hall Level
Town Hall Level % Available to be Stolen Cap Storage Amount to Reach Cap
7 6% 1,200* 20,000
8 6% 2,000 33,333
9 5% 2,500 50,000
10 4% 3,000 75,000
11 4% 3,500 87,500
12 4% 4,000 100,000
13 4% 4,500 112,500
*Figures in asterisks denote storage caps that are determined only by the storage capacity of the storages.
Dark Elixir Drills—Percent Lootable by Town Hall Level
Town Hall Level % Available to be Stolen Cap Storage Amount to Reach Cap
7 75% 405 540
8 75% 810 1,080
9 75% 4,050 5,400
10 75% 5,400 7,200
11-13 75% 6,750 9,000
Clan Castle Treasury— Percent Lootable by Town Hall level (caps can only be reached in a level 10 or higher Clan)
Town Hall Level % Available to be Stolen Gold & Elixir Cap Gold & Elixir Storage Amount to Reach Cap Dark Elixir Cap Dark Elixir Storage Amount to Reach Cap
3 3% 18,000 600,000 - -
4 3% 27,000 900,000 - -
5 3% 36,000 1,200,000 - -
6 3% 54,000 1,800,000 - -
7 3% 72,000 2,400,000 360 12,000
8 3% 90,000 3,000,000 450 15,000
9 3% 108,000 3,600,000 540 18,000
10 3% 126,000 4,200,000 630 21,000
11 3% 144,000 4,800,000 720 24,000
12 3% 162,000 5,400,000 810 27,000
13 3% 180,000 6,000,000 900 30,000
Town Hall Levels—Loot Multiplier
Town Hall Level Difference Percentage of Loot Available
Same or higher level 100%
1 level lower 80%
2 levels lower 50%
3 levels lower 25%
4 or more levels lower 5%


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