Clash of Clans Hungarian Wiki
Yeti Info
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"The heavy-hitting furry fellow digs cold weather and his Yetimite buddies. Hurt him, and you'll make the Yetimites real angry. "

Yeti-lvl1 Yeti-lvl2 Yeti-lvl3
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

  • Summary
    • The Yeti is a troop unlocked once the Barracks is upgraded to level 14.
    • Yetis possess above-average health and attack compared to most damage units. When deployed, they carry a set amount of Yetimites; for every 600 damage it takes, the Yeti spawns a Yetimite, if it still has any remaining. Once destroyed, the Yeti releases any remaining Yetimites they still have.
    • Sablon:PreferredTarget

  • Offensive Strategy
    • The Yetis' above-average health and attack can help the funnel of the main army, especially when the Yetimites that spawn have a deceptively large amount of health to distract other defenses, they can jump over Walls and do a large amount of damage to defenses, making the funnel even smoother.
    • Ensuring that a Yeti gets hit enough to activate Yetimites is essential to increasing the damage output of the Yeti.
    • When paired up with Healers, Yetis can also act as a tank. This is commonly used after a Warden Walk. This works very well since they can spawn unlimited Yetimites, and let them take out the Air Defenses before they target the healers.
      • When not under Healers, they have comparatively low health compared to other troops of similar housing space, so Yetis should be deployed behind other high-health troops such as Golems, Ice Golems, or P.E.K.K.As.
    • Due to the high damage output of Yetis, a common and viable strategy is to fill a Battle Blimp with clan castle Yetis, then send in the blimp to drop the Yetis on key defenses such as Inferno Towers and Eagle Artillery, paired with a rage.

  • Defensive Strategy
    • The Healers maximize the potential of the Yetis. Protect the hard-hitting air defenses and keep them out of the way of possible Yeti attacks to maximize value. One tip is that attackers will try to grant Yetis access to the core.
      • The Eagle Artillery and the Scattershot can also destroy both Yetis and their Yetimites. Keeping them off-center and away from possible attacks to Limit their effectiveness.
    • Due to the relatively low health of Yetimites, Poison Spells can be deadly, greatly limiting the effectiveness of a Yeti in the Clan Castle.
    • Due to the relatively small health pool and inability to hit air troops without Yetimites, the Yeti makes for a poor defensive choice in clan wars or for general.
    • However, due to the lack of both at Town Hall 6, Yetis can serve as a decent defending troop, and it is the only Town Hall level where they can.
    • Splitting the Yetis can reduce their effectiveness by reducing the amount of yetimites and also the total HP. Giving too much access is an easy way to do this. Additionally, this will also split the healers up.

  • Upgrade Differences
    • The Yeti undergoes visual changes at levels 2 and 3.
      • At level 2, the Yeti's horns change to a gray from a purple color. The color difference between the body and head fur becomes more noticeable, and the limbs become lighter.
      • At level 3, the Yeti's fur and becomes a darker color, and the Yetimites in the backpack change from pink to purple.

  • Trivia
    • Sablon:MaximumTroopCount
    • Yetis have the most complex subtroop spawning requirements, requiring a certain amount of damage taken to spawn one. All other troops either spawn periodically or on death.
    • The Yeti and the Headhunter are the two troops with the least amount of levels.
    • Like all elixir troops unlocked after Town Hall 8, the Yeti's theme corresponds to one town hall(13 in this case) but is unlocked at the town hall before(12).
    • The Yeti’s description states that hurting him will make the Yetimites angry, but in the Yetimite's description it says they get angsty.
    • The Yeti has a strong resemblance to James Sullivan of Monster Inc Pixar.
    • If the Yeti runs out of Yetimites to spawn (which is possible by the Yeti being healed), its basket will appear empty. Interestingly, the basket will appear full of Yetimites even if the Yeti can only spawn a few more.
    • If a Yeti gets killed by a spring trap, then the Yetimites will not spawn
Preferred Target

Attack Type


Movement Speed

Attack Speed

Barracks Level Required


Any Melee (Ground Only) 18 12 1s 14 0.8 tiles
Training Time of Yetis
1 Barracks 2 Barracks 3 Barracks 4 Barracks
12m 6m 4m 3m

Damage per Second

Damage per Attack


Yetimites spawned

Training Cost

Research Cost

Research Time

Laboratory Level Required

1 230 230 2,900 8 19,000 N/A N/A N/A
2 250 250 3,200 9 21,000 11,000,000 14d 10
3 270 270 3,500 10 23,000 15,000,000 16d 11
Elsődleges falu egységek
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