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Clash of Clans Wiki

Eagle Artillery7

"The Eagle Artillery has nearly unlimited range and targets tough enemies with exploding shells. However, it won't activate until a large amount of troops have been deployed."

Eagle Artillery1
Level 1
Eagle Artillery2
Level 2
Eagle Artillery3
Level 3
Eagle Artillery4
Level 4
Eagle Artillery5
Level 5
Eagle Artillery6
Level 6
Eagle Artillery7
Level 7


  • The Eagle Artillery is a very powerful defense that has a range that covers almost the entire map but has a blind spot similar to the Mortar. It is unlocked at Town Hall level 11.
  • Like the X-Bow, Inferno Tower and the Scattershot, it needs to be loaded to work. Loading is free and takes place automatically after the player logs in; the Eagle Artillery will eventually be depleted of ammo and become unloaded if it is not loaded by the player.
    • It takes 5 minutes for one Eagle Artillery to unload all of its ammunition.
  • During a defense, the Eagle Artillery remains dormant at the start and activates only after a large number of housing spaces worth of troops have been deployed. The Eagle Artillery will briefly blink when 50 housing space worth of troops are deployed, will blink for a slightly longer time at 100 housing space worth of troops, light its eyes after 150 housing space worth of troops and will activate at 200 housing space worth of troops.
    • When the Eagle Artillery is ready to fire, the eagle head slides down to the front of the structure to reveal a hexagon-shaped barrel with bright light pulsing around it.
      • At level 7, the "tail" also shifts down.
    • Heroes and Spells that have been deployed regardless of level, will count towards the housing space needed to activate the Artillery. Each hero is worth 25 troop housing spaces, and each spell housing space is worth 5 troop housing spaces.
    • Each Siege Machine counts as 1 troop housing space towards this number. Clan Castle troops do not count towards this number, but any reinforcement spells count the normal amount.
    • Pets, regardless of level, do not add any housing spaces towards the activation.
    • Troops spawned from any troop-summoning Hero Equipment (i.e. the Barbarian Puppet, the Archer Puppet, the Healer Puppet or the Hog Rider Puppet) will not add more troop spaces. Units that spawn sub-troops, whether upon death such as the Golem, or periodically such as the Witch when spawning Skeletons, do not add more spaces. Dropping a Skeleton Spell or Bat Spell only adds the spell's equivalent worth of 5 troop housing spaces, the Skeletons or Bats do not add more spaces; similarly dropping a Clone Spell only adds the spell's equivalent worth of 15 troop housing spaces, the cloned troops do not add more spaces. Also, the Archer Queen's clones from the Magic Mirror do not add more spaces.
  • The Eagle Artillery fires a volley of three successive shots - with each shot having a delay of 0.8 seconds, at regular 10-second intervals. Each shot is able to deal devastating splash damage (in a very small radius) to the unit it targeted with extremely small splash damage (in a big radius and knocks back smaller troops) to the units near its target.
    • The shockwave damage also affects the main target, so effectively the Eagle Artillery does slightly more than its stated damage per hit to its main target. The total damage per hit onto the main target is simply the sum of the damage per hit and the shockwave damage.
  • The Eagle Artillery targets according to a "heat map" or "hitpoint map". In other words, it targets the area with the largest density of hitpoints.
    • The Eagle Artillery places a bright yellow mark on the unit it is targeting, and the quicker the moving spots move, the closer the shots are. These markers lock onto units and will follow them as they move, unless they move into the Eagle Artillery's blind spot or out of range, in which case the targeting marker and shots land at the edge of the Artillery's range.
    • Unlike other defenses, the Eagle Artillery recalculates its targets each volley.


Defensive Strategy

  • Place this defense in a place where its blind spot is covered, like a Mortar. Remember that it will only activate and begin to attack when a certain amount of troops are deployed, so keep it near the middle. This is so that by the time enemy troops start to enter your base, it will be in action.
  • Try to centralize the Eagle Artillery so troops cannot get to it easily as it does more damage. In an anti-three-star base, centralizing the Eagle Artillery is more important than protecting the Town Hall.
  • Keep it away from other very important defenses such as the enemy Queen and Clan Castle, as this can allow for easy value as by Town Hall 11 and above players have ways to send parts of their army inside the base.
  • The Eagle Artillery is best supported by an Air Defense, as the Air Defense destroys air troops while the Eagle Artillery picks off the ground troops. For extra support, you can place a Wizard Tower to cover the blind spot.
  • While centralizing it is important to offset the Eagle Artillery so it can keep firing while the troops are in the core. This is even more effective because a ton of troops tend to be clumped in the core.
  • Keep your Eagle Artillery separated from other main defenses such as Scattershots and Inferno Towers, otherwise the attacker will get a lot of value by using Zapquake to destroy main defenses alongside the Eagle Artillery, or disable them all using the the Overgrowth Spell!

Offensive Strategy

  • Use Freeze Spells or Overgrowth Spells to stop the Eagle Artillery from shooting your units. You should freeze it when it is about to shoot, not during its 10-second intervals, nor after the artillery shells are already in the sky. If done correctly, it can minimize the damage, and forces the Eagle Artillery to use more time to fire.
  • Do not the Lightning Spell to stun the Eagle Artillery while it is firing a volley of shells at your army, otherwise the Eagle Artillery will deal more damage than usual.
    • However, you can stun the Eagle Artillery before it fires, thereby forcing the Eagle Artillery more time to fire.
  • For Heroes, if the Eagle Artillery has been activated, it will most likely lock onto the Barbarian King, as he has much more health than other heroes. If the Barbarian King is either low-leveled, undeployed or has been defeated, it will then lock onto the Royal Champion, since she has the second highest health. It will lock on the Archer Queen or Grand Warden if the Royal Champion or Barbarian King is not in the action. If there is a Golem or a lot of troops are close together, then it will attack the Golem or the troops. Sometimes it might attack your Grand Warden or Archer Queen even if the other two Heroes are still on the battlefield, however this is unlikely to happen.
  • The Grand Warden's Eternal Tome ability can be used to tank one volley of shots from the Eagle Artillery for any units inside his proximity. Use this when units are going into the core of the base.
    • Alongside the Healing Tome, if at a high-enough level, can heal the damage done from the Eagle Artillery, but only if the Eagle Artillery targets tanky units such as Root Riders.
      • However, when paired with a Rage Spell Tower, the Eagle Artillery will prove to be too powerful for them, so it is advised to destroy it as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the army.
  • You can use the Jump Spell to have melee troops destroy the Eagle Artillery quickly, especially if it is protected by a layer of Walls.
  • A level 2 Eagle Artillery can be destroyed by 6 level 8 Lightning Spells and 1 level 5 Earthquake Spell, and this is commonly used in Zap Lalo or Hybrid armies.
  • Do not place all your troops in one area. Eagle Artilleries still do have splash damage and will take out any hordes of Balloons or Minions.
  • Bat Spells are effective against the Eagle Artillery. They will target the Eagle Artillery and fly over any Walls blocking its way. A swarm of them will enter the blind spot and wreak havoc against it. Be wary of multi-targeting or splash damage defenses such as Wizard Towers and multi-target Inferno Towers placed near the Eagle Artillery, else the bats will die off quickly and possibly leave it undamaged.
  • When the Eagle Artillery is in the process of locking onto the Archer Queen, you can use her ability to prevent it from locking on and force it to spend time to retarget. However, if the Eagle has already started to fire, using the ability will not prevent the shots from hitting your Queen for massive damage.
    • However, in order to do that, your Archer Queen must be equipped with either the Magic Mirror or Invisibility Vial in order to do so, otherwise the Queen will take lots of damage, if not defeat her.
  • Placing 3 Golems together will very likely cause the Eagle Artillery to lock onto the Golems, allowing other troops to attack.

Upgrade Differences

  • Eagle Artilleries undergo significant visual changes at all levels.
    • When initially constructed, the Eagle Artillery appears to be a white stone eagle head, with a gold beak and hard iron over its head and end of the three "feathers". The eagle head hides the artillery, which is a hexagonal barrel with two iron rims around the muzzle with an iron protrusion and a gold spike on top for each side, the barrel base is reinforced with iron and the front is an iron pillar that slants down, likely supporting the eagle head as it slides down. The shoulders consist of a big octagonal white stone plate surrounded by a thinner iron ring, a slanted octagonal iron plate on top of it helps secure the white stone "wing" on the back and a brass spike is placed in the middle of it, and both spikes are connected with iron chains hanging at the front of the base. The base is made of white stone, reinforced by two layers of progressively darker and shorter metal plates, the top of the base has red carpet on a thin layer of white stone. On each corner, a support connects to the bottom layer of metal plate with a spike protruding, and the side has iron plates starts at the thin layer of white stone connecting to the floor, becoming thinker and wider as it covers the base reinforcements and are bolted down with brass pentagonal bolts. When activated, the eagle head slides forward with its eyes light up, the feathers spread out, and the artillery extends upward, which makes another one of the spikes on the artillery visible.
    • At level 2, the rims around the muzzle is mostly cover by a golden strip. The barrel base reinforcement except the slanted pillar, ring and plate on the shoulders, the chains, white stone around the red carpet, the spike from the corner support, and the side plates of the base change from iron to gold. The slanted pillar extends forward and touches the front side plate. The side plates now have spikes instead of pentagonal bolts, and the corner supports become taller up to half way of the top layer of metal reinforcement.
    • At level 3, the octagonal white stone plate is replaced with black metal, the wings gain a golden tip, the spike on the slanted plate becomes a huge hexagonal rivet, and the chains are replaced with a black wire connecting to the front with another rivet, between those is now an electric coil. The base is now made of metal instead of white stone, the top of the base now have dark blue carpet, the side plates on the base over the metal reinforcements are removed, and the carpet covers the middle of the side plates. The base metal reinforcements have a slightly bluish hue, the corner support has been replaced by an extra wide and thick plating with a pentagonal bolt, all made with the same metal as the bottom layer, while the top layer is noticeable and is thicker at the corner as well.
    • At level 4, the arrow-shaped blue metal is added at the top of the eagle head, and the "feathers" of the eagle head become longer and are angled to the middle. The gold barrel base reinforcement becomes smaller, and the carpet underneath is now icy blue metal. The slanted plate on the shoulder is icy blue metal as well, with the hexagonal rivets made of deep green metal, and grooved icy blue tubes replacing the wire. The bottom layer of reinforcement is made of dark purple metal. The corner platings become even taller and made of dark green metal, the pentagonal bolt on its corner is removed, two grey metal supports with dark green metal spike near the top is place on each side of the plating, connecting to the top layer. The side plates is made of dark green metal, fully stretch from the "carpet" to the ground again and no longer follows the shape of the base reinforcements, it covers the coil at the front, the gold lining around the side plate still stops the top layer but is wider.
    • At level 5, most of the iron protrusions around the barrel are removed beside the front one. The octagonal black metal plate is replaced with green metal, the slanted plate and the whole wing becomes gold. The rivets on top is made with purplish-black stone while the bottom ones are golden, the tube is no longer grooved, pumping green water, and surrounded by twisting green metal wire. The base is now made of grey stone, with the top reinforcement made of light purplish metal, and the bottom with more grey stone. The corner platings are made of purplish-black stone and has gold trims on each side, following the top and the corner edge into the bottom reinforcement and the ground respectively. The icy blue metal "carpet" is replaced with a green water pool and green metal side plates are made into a waterfall flowing green into the ground.
    • At level 6, a hexagonal gold plate replaces the arrow on the eagle head. The octagonal green metal plate is replaced with purple metal. The top rivets are now triangular and made of purple metal, with a golden hollow equilateral triangles (symbol of Town Hall 15) on top, the bottom ones do not have purple metal, the tube now pumps light blue magic, and is covered by purple metal rim on both side, leaving the middle visible. The corner platings gold trims are wider, and the ones near the corner edge merge and form the hollow equilateral triangle and protrudes more. The pool and flowing green waterfall is replaced with purple metal and the side plates, similar to level 4.
    • At level 7, the gold plate covers the full iron plate on the Eagle Artillery's head, which splits into four pieces and forms a leaf pattern, the iron plate under it is replaced with orange metal, and the exposed end of the feathers is replaced with deep green metal. The barrel base reinforcement is made with white stone again, with a few gold protrusions at the bottom. A tail is added to the back of the artillery, made with three feathers of deep green metal and gold tip, which shifts down when the Eagle Artillery is activated. The octagonal purple metal plate, under the hollow triangles, and the purple metal "carpet" are replaced with deep green metal and the gold edge connects to the top reinforcement at the corner with a spike on it instead of the side, except for the front where the side plate is now flush with the gold linings, where the lining are riveted where they bend and also connects to the ground. An extra pair of smaller wings with four feathers are added to the slanted plate, and the tubes are removed. The top reinforcement is made of gold and the bottom made of orange metal, being cut off by the front side plate. The corner hollow triangles are filled in and becomes a shallow pyramid, have a spike at the vertex and two fittings, an extra gold trim pass under the pyramid and goes diagonally down at the side. On the side, the trim pass under a leaf symbol made with gold and deep green metal (symbol of Town Hall 16) is added to the left side. The corners and the front side plate have black metal edges on the ground.


Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number Available 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Town Hall Level 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Number Available 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
Size Size
Damage per Hit
Damage per Second
Shockwave Damage
Build Time
Experience Gained
Town Hall Level Required
Town Hall
1 225 67.5 20 4,000 6,000,000 5d 657 11
2 250 75 25 4,400 8,000,000 5d 657 11
3 275 82.5 30 4,800 10,000,000 9d 881 12
4 350 105 35 5,200 13,000,000 10d 929 13
5 425 127.5 40 5,600 15,000,000 13d 1,059 14
6 475 142.5 45 5,900 19,500,000 14d 1,099 15
7 525 157.5 50 6,200 22,000,000 15d 12h 1,157 16
Activation Housing Space
Troop Capacity
Time Between Bursts
Attack Speed
Shots Per Burst
Damage Type
Damage Type
Unit Type Targeted
Favorite Target
Favorite Target
Favorite Target
Number of Rounds
7-50 200 10s 3 shots Splash - 0.75 tiles for main shot;
3 tiles for shockwave
Ground & Air Any 90*

*90 individual shots. Each volley comes in three shots, but it is possible to fire only the first one or two shots in a volley.

Depleted Eagle Artillery
Eagle Artillery1 Unloaded
Level 1
Eagle Artillery2 Unloaded
Level 2
Eagle Artillery3 Unloaded
Level 3
Eagle Artillery4 Unloaded
Level 4
Eagle Artillery5 Unloaded
Level 5
Eagle Artillery6 Unloaded
Level 6
Eagle Artillery7 Unloaded
Level 7


Description Experience Rewards Gems Rewards
Destroy 20 Eagle Artilleries 100 150
Destroy 200 Eagle Artilleries 800 300
Destroy 2,000 Eagle Artilleries 5,000 1,000

Icon Descriptions

Icon InfoTapping this icon displays information about the Eagle Artillery, such as Level, Damage Per Second, Hitpoints, Range, Damage Type and Targets.
Icon UpgradeTapping this icon begins upgrading the Eagle Artillery to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Builder (or B.O.B). When the Eagle Artillery is at maximum level, this icon is not shown.
Icon HoBTapping this icon instantly upgrades the Eagle Artillery to the next level, at the cost of one Hammer of Building if you have one. When the Eagle Artillery is at maximum level, or if the Town Hall requirements for the next level are not met, this icon is not shown.
Icon FinishNowTapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of the displayed number of Gems.
Icon FinishNowBoBTapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Building. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Building.
Icon FinishNowBoETapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Everything. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Everything but do not have a Book of Building.
Icon BuilderPotionTapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, boosts all your Builders for 1 hour by a factor of ten, at the cost of one Builder Potion. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Builder Potion.
Icon CancelTapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, cancels the current upgrade and refunds half of the upgrade cost.


Patch Type Description
December 10, 2015 Update The Eagle Artillery was added with 2 levels. Eagle Artillery1 Eagle Artillery2
January 26, 2016 Update The Eagle Artillery now dealt 3x damage to Golems and Golemites.
August 25, 2016 Balance changes Increased the activation housing spaces of the Eagle Artillery. Troop Capacity
October 12, 2016 Update Made the Eagle Artillery look like its unloaded state when under upgrade.
June 11, 2018 Update
  • Added the level 3 Eagle Artillery. Eagle Artillery3
  • The Eagle Artillery no longer does 3x damage to Golems.
June 26, 2018 Update Reduced upgrade times of levels 1 and 2 Eagle Artillery. Time
July 30, 2018 Maintenance break
  • Fixed a few bugs with the Eagle Artillery.
    • The Eagle Artillery would no longer do 3x damage to Golems and Golemites.
      • This was announced in the June 11 2018 update but never made it into the game due to a bug. This got fixed.
    • The damage of the level 3 Eagle Artillery was increased. Prior to this, the damage was the same as a level 2 Eagle Artillery.
October 23, 2018 Update Increased the Eagle Artillery's damage and shockwave damage. Damage
February 22, 2019 Balance Changes Fixed a bug where ranged troops needed to move closer to target the Eagle Artillery.
April 2, 2019 Update Removed the Elixir cost to reload the Eagle Artillery, instead reloading for free when you log back into the game.
December 9, 2019 Update Added the level 4 Eagle Artillery. Eagle Artillery4
March 30, 2020 Update The Eagle Artillery would be less likely to target Yetimites and the update also shows the correct frame of Eagle Artillery instead of showing the last frame which would show that the Eagle is out of ammo.
April 12, 2021 Update Added the level 5 Eagle Artillery. Eagle Artillery5
April 29, 2021 Balance Changes The Eagle Artillery would be less likely to target Hero Pets.
June 15, 2021 Update Fixed a visual bug with the level 5 Eagle Artillery when shooting.
June 27, 2022 Update The Eagle Artillery now have 200 as its fixed activation troop spaces on level 1-5.
June 12, 2023 Update
  • Added the level 6 Eagle Artillery. Eagle Artillery6
  • Eagle Artillery is now less likely to attack Healers.
September 28, 2023 Balance Changes Reduced the Eagle Artillery's damage per shot at levels 1-5 by 25. Damage
April 17, 2024 Update Added the level 7 Eagle Artillery. Eagle Artillery7
June 3, 2024 Balance Changes
  • Reduced the Eagle Artillery's damage per shot at levels 1-6 (shockwave damage is unchanged):
    • Level 1: 275 -> 225 Damage
    • Level 2: 325 -> 250 Damage
    • Level 3: 375 -> 275 Damage
    • Level 4: 425 -> 350 Damage
    • Level 5: 475 -> 425 Damage
    • Level 6: 500 -> 475 Damage


  • At Clash-Con 2015, the sneak peek of the Eagle Artillery was shown to fire a yellow beam into the sky that drops onto enemy targets. However, that has since been changed into a volley of three consecutive shots of orange artillery shells.
  • The Eagle Artillery uses the Cannon's sound effect when tapped which is not unique, but has its unique sound effect when placed.
  • If the Eagle Artillery is destroyed before targeting, it will still make a "target" sound.
  • When activated, it makes a sound that sounds like an eagle's cry.


  • The Eagle Artillery is one of four defenses (the others being the X-Bow, Inferno Tower, and Scattershot) that need to be reloaded.
    • Out of these defenses, the Eagle Artillery take the longest to deplete all of its ammunition, taking 5 minutes.
  • The Eagle Artillery is the only defense in the Home Village whose in-game statistics use "damage per hit" rather than "damage per second" (several defenses in the Builder Base, such as the Double Cannon, as well as the geared-up Cannon and Mortar, show both "damage per hit" and "damage per second"). This may be due to the fact that the Eagle Artillery fires in volleys.
    • However, many players think that the Mortar should be changed to share this property.
  • The Eagle Artillery is the defense with the largest range in the game and the biggest blind spot in Home Village.
    • It also used to have the biggest blind spot in the game, before the addition of the pre-Builder Base 2.0 Lava Launcher. However, the latter's blind spot has since been reduced, making the Eagle Artillery have the biggest blind spot again.
  • If the Eagle Artillery were to be stunned by a Lightning Spell after it has shot 2 Artillery shells before the third one, the Eagle Artillery's firing rate will be much faster, allowing the Eagle Artillery to deal much more damage than usual.
  • When upgrading, the Eagle Artillery resembles its depleted state, except without the smoke.
Home Village Buildings
Defensive Buildings CannonArcher TowerMortarAir DefenseWizard TowerAir SweeperHidden TeslaBomb TowerX-BowInferno TowerEagle ArtilleryScattershotBuilder's HutSpell TowerMonolithRicochet CannonMulti-Archer TowerGiga TeslaGiga Inferno (TH13TH14TH15TH16) • Wall
Traps: BombSpring TrapAir BombGiant BombSeeking Air MineSkeleton TrapTornado Trap
Resource Buildings Town Hall (Magic Items) • Gold MineElixir CollectorDark Elixir DrillGold StorageElixir StorageDark Elixir StorageClan Castle (Treasury)
Army Buildings Army CampBarracksDark BarracksLaboratorySpell FactoryDark Spell FactoryBlacksmithWorkshopBarbarian King AltarArcher Queen AltarGrand Warden AltarRoyal Champion AltarPet House
Other Buildings BoatAirshipForgeDecorationsObstaclesLoot CartStrongman's CaravanSuper SaunaBuilder's HutB.O.B's Hut