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For the Hog Rider counterparts, see Hog Glider and Hog Raiders.
Skeleton Glider info
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"It's hard to get past Walls as a lowly Skeleton. But bones and gliders are light enough to easily soar over them!"

Skeleton Glider1
Level 1-5


  • The Skeleton Glider is a subtroop spawned by the Flying Fortress.
  • Similar to Hog Gliders in the Builder Base and Clan Capital, Skeleton Gliders will ram into the nearest defense, doing some damage (but not stunning them) if they reach it. Regardless of whether or not it hits a defense, three Skeletons will drop down from the Glider and continue to fight.
  • Skeleton Gliders prioritize defensive structures above all other targets, and will bypass all other types of enemy buildings and troops while any defenses remain on the battlefield. This is true even if they are under attack by enemy troops stationed in defense posts (Super Giant, Raid Cart, and Super Dragon Posts). Note that the defense posts themselves are not considered defensive buildings, regardless of whether or not their stationed troops are still alive.
    Once all defenses are destroyed, Skeleton Gliders become like any other troop with no preferred target; they will attack the nearest building to them regardless of type, and will turn and attack enemy units if they become aware of any nearby and can fight back against them.



  • Because of their Ability to Bypass Walls, It can be useful to Bypass water and Walls to reach certain defenses stuck behind walls for the skeletons to spawn.
  • A good way is put the Flying Fortress in a place with a lot of air defenses or rapid rockets and little ground defenses, preferably no Crushers or splash defenses. This might sound counterintuitive because the flying fortress will get destroyed early on, but the Skeleton Gliders will Glide their way to the defenses, and with the flying fortress tanking, the skeletons can destroy a compartment of air defense because of the potantial lack of splash ground.
    • No trap Testing is needed as Skeletons don't trigger traps.


  • Keep Defenses a diatance apart from the Flying fortress, as if there is no distance, defenses can destroy it and the skeletons will deal little, if not any, damage.
  • Because of the Low Health of these Gliders, a mine set to air mode will kill them off quickly.


Preferred Target
Favorite Target
Attack Type
Damage Type
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
Spawned Skeletons
Defenses Melee (Ground Only) 18 0.25 tiles 3
1 130 200
2 140 250
3 150 300
4 160 350
5 170 400
Clan Capital Army
Troops Super BarbarianSneaky ArchersSuper GiantBattle Ram (Barbarian) • Minion HordeSuper WizardRocket BalloonsSkeleton Barrels (Skeleton) • Flying Fortress (Skeleton GliderSkeleton) • Raid Cart (Siege CartBarbarian) • Power P.E.K.K.AHog RaidersSuper DragonMountain GolemInferno DragonSuper MinerMega Sparky
Spells Healing SpellJump SpellLightning SpellFrost SpellRage SpellGraveyard SpellEndless Haste Spell