Clash of Clans Wiki
Clash of Clans Wiki
Helper Hut

"Helpers rest up on a warm bunk bed in this cozy little hut! Visit the Helper Hut and assign Helpers to jobs around the Village."


  • The Helper Hut houses the Lab Assistant, the Builder's Apprentice, and the Alchemist. The Lab Assistant is available at Town Hall 9, the Builder's Apprentice at Town Hall 10, and the Alchemist at Town Hall 11.
  • All characters can be recruited for Gems (except Lab Assistant which is available for free). Gems are also used to upgrade them, which increases their efficiency.
  • When these characters are not actively working on a task, that character can be seen outside the Helper Hut.


Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number Available 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Size Size
Helper Town Hall Level Required
Town Hall
Lab Assistant 9
Builder's Apprentice 10
Alchemist 11
Hitpoints Hitpoints Build Cost Elixir Build Time Time
500 1,000,000 None

Icon Descriptions


  • The November 25, 2024, update added the Helper Hut, housing the Builder's Apprentice and Lab Assistant.
  • The February ?, 2025 update introduced Alchemist as a helper.



  • When the Town Hall 17 update launches, players may not need to build the Helper Hut from scratch. If players already have Builder's Apprentice, then tapping on the icon on the Town Hall following the update, a tutorial will play where he is excited to have a place to live on his own outside of the Town Hall while the Lab Assistant introduces himself as a roommate of the new building. During this tutorial, players will place down their Helper Hut (without having to pay the Elixir price) and obtain Lab Assistant.
    • However, if the player wants to upgrade their Town Hall to a higher level, they will still have to build it before going from Town Hall 9 to 10, for example.
  • All Helpers in the Helper Hut wear a makeshift hat using a piece of orange fabric and being stitched up using a thick string, which is also used for the roof of the Helper Hut.
Home Village Buildings
Defensive Buildings CannonArcher TowerMortarAir DefenseWizard TowerAir SweeperHidden TeslaBomb TowerX-BowInferno TowerEagle ArtilleryScattershotBuilder's HutSpell TowerMonolithMulti-Archer TowerRicochet CannonMulti-Gear TowerFirespitterWall
Town Hall: Giga TeslaGiga Inferno (TH13TH14TH15TH16) • Inferno Artillery
Traps: BombSpring TrapAir BombGiant BombSeeking Air MineSkeleton TrapTornado TrapGiga Bomb
Resource Buildings Town Hall (Magic Items) • Gold MineElixir CollectorDark Elixir DrillGold StorageElixir StorageDark Elixir StorageClan Castle (Treasury)
Army Buildings Army CampBarracksDark BarracksLaboratorySpell FactoryHero HallHero BannerDark Spell FactoryBlacksmithWorkshopPet House
Other Buildings Builder's HutHelper HutB.O.B's HutDecorationsObstaclesBoatAirshipForgeLoot CartTrader's ShopStrongman's CaravanSuper Sauna