Clash of Clans Wiki
Clash of Clans Wiki
Need images for the active state of the Hero Hall
For the small obstacle that can be placed where a Hero can defend, see Hero Banner.
"This fancy Hall honors your Village’s mightiest warriors! Visit the Hero Hall for all your heroic essentials, and to upgrade Heroes. Upgrade the Hero Hall to unlock more Heroes!"

Hero Hall1
Level 1
Hero Hall2
Level 2
Hero Hall3
Level 3
Hero Hall4
Level 4
Hero Hall5
Level 5
Hero Hall6
Level 6
Hero Hall7
Level 7
Hero Hall8
Level 8
Hero Hall9
Level 9
Hero Hall10
Level 10
Hero Hall11
Level 11


  • The Hero Hall is an army building unlocked at Town Hall level 7. It serves as a central hub for Heroes, where their assignments and upgrades can be managed.
  • Upgrading the Hero Hall increases the level caps of existing Heroes, and may unlock new Heroes as well as increase the number of Heroes that can be used in battles.
  • Upgrading the Hero Hall to the maximum level allowed by the player's Town Hall level and placing down Hero Banners are requirements to upgrading the Town Hall to the next level. This is because some levels unlock new Heroes and placing their Altars used to be part of the "placing all of the buildings" requirement.

Hero Management[]

Hero Hall UI

The main interface of the Hero Hall (note the Barbarian King upgrading at the left)

  • The Hero Hall interface allows players to manage numerous aspects of Heroes.
  • Heroes can be upgraded in the Hero Hall, with each requiring a free Builder to do so. When an upgrade is ongoing, the upgrade can be immediately finished with Gems, Book of Heroes or Book of Everything where applicable.
    • There is also an option to cancel the upgrade, which refunds 50% of the spent resources from upgrading them.
  • A Hero's skin can also be directly changed by selecting the coat hanger icon Coathanger next to their panel.
  • The Hero Hall interface also contains shortcuts to Hero Equipment and Hero Pet assignments, which will take the player to the Blacksmith and Pet House interfaces, respectively.
  • While Heroes are regenerating health or being upgraded, they cannot be used for attacks or for Multiplayer defenses. However, they can still defend in Legend League, Clan Wars, and Friendly Challenges.

Hero Slots[]

  • Players will be given a number of Hero Slots depending on the level of the Hero Hall. One Hero Slot is available when the Hero Hall is initially built at Town Hall 7, and an additional slot is added at levels 3, 5, and 7, requiring Town Hall levels 9, 11, and 13 respectively.
  • Hero Slots are used differently in the contexts of both attacking and defending:
    • When attacking, a Hero Slot represents a Hero (and when possible, a corresponding Pet) that can be brought into battle, analogous to troop or spell housing space.
    • When defending, a Hero Slot takes the form of a Hero Banner that can be placed in the player's village, assigning one Hero to defend the vicinity of the banner.
  • Changing the Hero assignments on attack is done through the army preparation menu, whereas changing Hero assignments on defense is done by switching them from the Hero Banners.
  • The Heroes assigned to attack and defense does not necessarily be the same. For instance, at Town Hall 8 where players have the Barbarian King and Archer Queen but only one Hero Slot, players can use the Barbarian King on attacks while using the Archer Queen on defense.
  • Icons of a sword and shield are present in the Hero's panel when that Hero is selected for defense and attack respectively.


Defensive Strategies[]

  • The Hero Hall processes a high amount of health points, which can be used as distraction for enemy troops, and takes a long time to destroy, unless if there are high-damage units like Dragons.

Offensive Strategies[]

  • While the Hero Hall is not a valuable target, it being suspectable to spell damage unlike resource storages makes the Earthquake Spell able to do respectable amount of damage to it, and by extension the Earthquake Boots as well. Try to include it in the radius of the spell or Earthquake Boots ability if other valuable and/or high hitpoints defenses are nearby.

Upgrade Differences[]

The Hero Hut gains significant visual changes at all levels.

  • When initially constructed, the Hero Hut is a very large house with white stone brick walls, dull red wooden doors with iron knots and edges, and a dull red wooden roof with a crown made of four pieces of wood and a piece of patch work at the center left side, with folded dull red ceramic tiles cover the gap in the middle, and a wooden structural beam. The building is raised up on top of a white stone platform with three steps of stair where the door is. At the bottom center at the left side, there is a large wooden barrel, which presumably stores Elixir or Dark Elixir. At the rightmost side, there is a hanging sign with a purple diamond held by a hanger from a tall, wooden pole supported by the grey stone foundation. At the front corner near the entrance, there is a sword leaning against the building, indicating the Barbarian King is residing. When a Hero is upgrading, the doors open, revealing a bright light which persists until the Hero upgrade is complete or when an upgrading Hero is switched.
  • At level 2, a target with an arrow is placed on the side of the wooden structural beam below the roof above the door, indicating the Archer Queen is residing.
  • At level 3, a black crystal bubbling with black energy orbs is placed on the left corner of the building, indicating the Minion Prince is residing.
  • At level 4, a chimney is added in the back.
  • At level 5, the knots and edges of the door has turned golden. The Eternal Tome is placed to the left of the sword, indicating the Grand Warden is residing.
  • At level 6, a dull red carpet is placed over the stair.
  • At level 7, the crown on the roof has turned golden the the top three pieces has merged into one. A spear is place to the right of the sword, indicating the Royal Champion is residing.
  • At level 8, the ceramic tiles have been replaced with golden beams bolted at two ends and have a crown-shaped pattern on top.
  • At level 9, the edges of the roof are also lined with gold, with square plates added periodically to mimic the crown pattern.
  • At level 10, the dull red wood of the roof and door, and the carpet are replaced by royal purple, the piece of patchwork on the roof is removed.
  • At level 11, each protrusion of the crown-shaped beam on the roof gains arrow-shaped golden spikes pointing upwards.


Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number Available 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Size Size
Unlocked Hero
Hero Slots
Build Cost Elixir Build Time
Experience Gained Experience Town Hall Level Required
Town Hall
1 Barbarian King 1 2,000 800,000 1d 293 7
2 Archer Queen 1 2,400 1,600,000 2d 415 8
3 Minion Prince 2 2,800 2,300,000 4d 587 9
4 - 2 3,200 3,000,000 5d 657 10
5 Grand Warden 3 3,600 5,000,000 6d 720 11
6 - 3 3,800 6,000,000 7d 777 12
7 Royal Champion 4 4,200 9,000,000 8d 831 13
8 - 4 4,600 14,000,000 9d 881 14
9 - 4 5,000 16,000,000 12d 1,018 15
10 - 4 5,400 18,000,000 15d 1,138 16
11 - 4 5,800 21,000,000 15d 12h 1,157 17

Hero Hall Level Caps[]

Upgrading the Hero Hall allows the following Heroes to be upgraded to these levels; see the page for each Hero to learn what each upgrade brings.

Hero Hall Level Barbarian King Archer Queen Minion Prince Grand Warden Royal Champion
1 10 - - - -
2 20 10 - - -
3 30 30 10 - -
4 40 40 20 - -
5 50 50 30 20 -
6 65 65 40 40 -
7 75 75 50 50 25
8 80 80 60 55 30
9 90 90 70 65 40
10 95 95 80 70 45
11 100 100 90 75 50

Hero Hall Migration[]

  • When the Town Hall 17 update launches, players may not need to build the Hero Hall from scratch. If players already have Heroes, then as soon as they load into the game following the update, a tutorial will play where the Barbarian King is dissatisfied with living on his altar. During this tutorial, players will place down their Hero Hall.
  • The level of the Hero Hall given by this tutorial is the lowest-level Hero Hall required to unlock and upgrade the player's Heroes to the levels they are currently at. For example, if the player has a level 55 Archer Queen, their Hero Hall will be at least level 6.
    • If the player is upgrading Heroes at the time of the update, any such upgrades will be immediately completed and the Heroes' higher level will be used to calculate the Hero Hall level.
  • The assigned Hero Hall level will also be used to determine the starting level of the Minion Prince, where applicable. The Minion Prince's starting level will be equal to the level cap of the previous Hero Hall level (or 1, if the Hero Hall given is level 3). For instance, if players received a level 10 Hero Hall, their Minion Prince will start at level 70 (the level cap of the level 9 Hero Hall).


Patch Description
November 24, 2024 Announced the Hero Hall, with 11 levels.
Hero Hall1Hero Hall2Hero Hall3Hero Hall4Hero Hall5Hero Hall6Hero Hall7Hero Hall8Hero Hall9Hero Hall10Hero Hall11
November 25, 2024 Added the Hero Hall.




  • Since building and upgrading Hero Hall use Elixir, it causes the first level of the Barbarian King, Archer Queen, Minion Prince, and the Royal Champion to no longer require Dark Elixir.
    • This is especially useful for the Barbarian King as he is unlocked at Town Hall 7 along with the Dark Elixir infrastructures. Before the Hero Hall was added, unlocking him required building the Dark Elixir Storage at least, and likely Dark Elixir Drill while raiding for more Dark Elixir when that resource is at its scarcest.
  • It is possible to have three Builders to work at the same building, in this case, the Hero Hall. For more information about this process, please check the photo here.
  • If a player has any Heroes after the Town Hall 17 update was released, and if the Hero Hall is not placed, when attempting to attack in Multiplayer, the text will read: "AbilityUnplaced Hero Hall!".
    • Additionally, tapping the warning message will give you a pop-up, which reads: "You have an unplaced Hero Hall! You will not be able to use your Heroes in your attacks until you have placed it! Do you want to place it now?".
    • If the player does attack, whether in Multiplayer, Legend League Tournaments, Clan Wars or Clan War Leagues, they will have no Heroes to support their attack, unless if they place their Hero Hall beforehand.


  • Out of all the army buildings in the game, the Hero Hall has the highest health, with up to 5,800 hitpoints at max level.
Home Village Buildings
Defensive Buildings CannonArcher TowerMortarAir DefenseWizard TowerAir SweeperHidden TeslaBomb TowerX-BowInferno TowerEagle ArtilleryScattershotBuilder's HutSpell TowerMonolithMulti-Archer TowerRicochet CannonMulti-Gear TowerFirespitterWall
Town Hall: Giga TeslaGiga Inferno (TH13TH14TH15TH16) • Inferno Artillery
Traps: BombSpring TrapAir BombGiant BombSeeking Air MineSkeleton TrapTornado TrapGiga Bomb
Resource Buildings Town Hall (Magic Items) • Gold MineElixir CollectorDark Elixir DrillGold StorageElixir StorageDark Elixir StorageClan Castle (Treasury)
Army Buildings Army CampBarracksDark BarracksLaboratorySpell FactoryHero HallHero BannerDark Spell FactoryBlacksmithWorkshopPet House
Other Buildings Builder's HutHelper HutB.O.B's HutDecorationsObstaclesBoatAirshipForgeLoot CartTrader's ShopStrongman's CaravanSuper Sauna