Clash of Clans Wiki
Clash of Clans Wiki
L.A.S.S.I info
“The trustiest hound to ever roam the village proper, L.A.S.S.I chases enemies with unrelenting fury. Unless they fly, in which case she just observes them intently.”

LASSI field
Level 1-15


  • L.A.S.S.I is the first pet unlocked from the Pet House, and is automatically available once the Pet House has finished being built.
  • L.A.S.S.I prioritizes a target within 2.5 tiles of the Hero that L.A.S.S.I is paired to. If the Hero is knocked out or removed from battle by a Recall Spell, L.A.S.S.I behaves like a troop with no preferential target; they will attack the nearest building to them regardless of type, and will turn and attack enemy units if they become aware of any nearby and can fight back against them.
  • L.A.S.S.I is able to jump over Walls to attack buildings and ground troops behind it.


Offensive Strategy

  • L.A.S.S.I works great with the Royal Champion because they can support each other during an attack and both have the ability to jump over Walls.
  • L.A.S.S.I is not a damage dealer and functions like a mini-tanker for the Hero.
    • This could make choosing L.A.S.S.I over Diggy for the Royal Champion a more viable option where the burrowing ability of Diggy can expose the Royal Champion to fire.
  • She can also assist in funneling with the Barbarian King by taking out buildings behind Walls that the Barbarian King may have trouble reaching. However, this may put her in range of defenses that the Barbarian King may be out of range to tank for, which given her middling hit points, means she will fall rather quickly if this happens. To alleviate this, either use Wall Breakers to get the King in, or use Freeze Spells to stop the defenses.
  • Alternatively, if the Hero she was paired to dies before L.A.S.S.I, then she will mainly act as a mini-tank thanks to her relatively high HP.

Defensive Strategy

  • L.A.S.S.I will not stray very far from her Hero. As a result, you could leave a gap between a layer of Walls and a building that you want to protect from L.A.S.S.I, and if she is paired to the Barbarian King or Archer Queen, L.A.S.S.I will not go for said buildings unless the Hero is attacking the Wall. In the latter case, however, note that the Queen will still be able to attack the building.
  • Her fast movement speed can be considered a weakness at times, as she is faster than any Hero (barring the use of the King's Iron Fist ability), and thus may charge ahead over long distances, allowing for your defenses to hit L.A.S.S.I first.


Preferred Target Favorite Target Targets Favorite Target Attack Type Damage Type Movement Speed Movement Speed Attack Speed Attack Speed Pet House Level Required Pet House Range Range Special AbilitySpecial Ability
Within 2.5 tiles of Hero Ground Single Target 32 0.9s 1 0.6 tiles High Jumper
Damage per Second
Damage per Hit
Upgrade Cost
Dark Elixir
Upgrade Time
Pet House Level Required
Pet House
1 150 135 2,700 N/A N/A 1
2 160 144 2,800 90,000 2d 1
3 170 153 2,900 100,000 2d 12h 1
4 180 162 3,000 110,000 3d 1
5 190 171 3,100 120,000 3d 12h 1
6 200 180 3,200 130,000 4d 1
7 210 189 3,300 140,000 4d 12h 1
8 220 198 3,400 150,000 5d 1
9 230 207 3,500 160,000 5d 12h 1
10 240 216 3,600 170,000 6d 1
11 250 225 3,700 180,000 6d 12h 5
12 260 234 3,800 190,000 7d 5
13 270 243 3,900 200,000 7d 12h 5
14 280 252 4,000 210,000 8d 5
15 290 261 4,100 220,000 8d 5


Patch Description
April 10, 2021 Announced the L.A.S.S.I, with 10 levels.LASSI field
April 12, 2021 Added the L.A.S.S.I.
April 13, 2021 Fixed a bug that allowed players to assign L.A.S.S.I to a hero when the Pet House was initially built.
June 15, 2021
  • Force retarget for L.A.S.S.I if her assigned Hero is knocked out and the L.A.S.S.I is attacking a Wall.
  • L.A.S.S.I's level now shows boosted badge in battle end screen when Hero Potion is active.
June 12, 2023 Added levels 11-15 to L.A.S.S.I.



  • L.A.S.S.I's appearance is similar to the Mini P.E.K.K.A from Clash Royale as both are similar to the P.E.K.K.A, both are smaller than the P.E.K.K.A, and both have one eye shaped like a diamond.
  • L.A.S.S.I is a female, as confirmed by the description, matching the P.E.K.K.A who has a similar appearance.
    • A Mother's Day Tweet by Supercell implies P.E.K.K.A is the owner of L.A.S.S.I.
  • The paw prints visible on the Pet House are most likely from L.A.S.S.I.
  • L.A.S.S.I is a hound according to a video by Supercell.
  • L.A.S.S.I is shown gazing at a butterfly in the announcement post which is a reference to a commercial of Clash of Clans.
  • The L.A.S.S.I makes a similar sound to a Miner when she attacks.
  • L.A.S.S.I is featured as a monster in the game Squad Busters.


  • L.A.S.S.I is the only Pet to be a robotic animal rather than an organic one.
Home Village Army
Elixir Troops BarbarianArcherGiantGoblinWall BreakerBalloonWizardHealerDragonP.E.K.K.ABaby DragonMinerElectro DragonYeti (Yetimite) • Dragon RiderElectro TitanRoot Rider
Dark Elixir Troops MinionHog RiderValkyrieGolem (Golemite) • Witch (Skeleton) • Lava Hound (Lava Pup) • BowlerIce GolemHeadhunterApprentice WardenDruid (Bear)
Super Troops Super BarbarianSuper ArcherSuper GiantSneaky GoblinSuper Wall BreakerRocket BalloonSuper WizardSuper DragonInferno DragonSuper MinerSuper MinionSuper Hog Rider (Super HogSuper Rider) • Super ValkyrieSuper Witch (Big Boy) • Ice Hound (Ice Pup) • Super Bowler
Heroes & Hero Equipment Barbarian King: Barbarian PuppetRage VialEarthquake BootsVampstacheGiant GauntletSpiky Ball
Archer Queen: Archer PuppetInvisibility VialGiant ArrowHealer PuppetFrozen ArrowMagic Mirror
Grand Warden: Eternal TomeLife GemRage GemHealing TomeFireballLavaloon Puppet (LavaloonLavaloon Pup)
Royal Champion: Royal GemSeeking ShieldHog Rider PuppetHaste VialRocket Spear
Elixir Spells Lightning SpellHealing SpellRage SpellJump SpellFreeze SpellClone SpellInvisibility SpellRecall Spell
Dark Spells Poison SpellEarthquake SpellHaste SpellSkeleton Spell (Skeleton) • Bat Spell (Bat) • Overgrowth Spell
Siege Machines Wall WreckerBattle BlimpStone SlammerSiege BarracksLog LauncherFlame FlingerBattle Drill
Pets L.A.S.S.IElectro OwlMighty YakUnicornFrosty (Frostmite) • DiggyPoison LizardPhoenixSpirit FoxAngry Jelly