Clash of Clans Wiki
Clash of Clans Wiki
For his non-Hero variant, see Minion.
For the Super version of his non-Hero variant, see Super Minion.
Minion Prince info
"The self-proclaimed Prince of Darkness means business! The Minion Prince takes to the skies and deals damaging dark goop to Defenses and Troops! He'll hover near his Hero Banner when defending."


  • The Minion Prince is an aerial Hero who attacks all targets from long range that was introduced on November 25, 2024, during the Town Hall 17 update. He is unlocked by upgrading the Hero Hall to level 3, which requires Town Hall 9.
  • Like the other Heroes, the Minion Prince only needs to be summoned once, but he will have to spend some time regenerating his health if he is damaged when attacking an enemy village. If the Minion Prince is assigned to defend at a Hero Banner and he is regenerating health, he will not appear on defense.
    • Like other Heroes, he is not upgraded in the Laboratory but rather upgraded with a Builder.
  • Hero regeneration in the Home Village uses an "extra life" system: when fully regenerated, the Minion Prince has two "life bars", each with health equal to his maximum hitpoints. The first life bar is represented by the bar visible next to the Minion Prince's level, with the second (the "extra life") represented by a heart placed at the end of the first life bar, with a "+1" when it is full.
    • Any damage taken by the Minion Prince when attacking is first subtracted from the extra life bar, with the regular life bar only being reduced when the extra life bar is fully depleted. If the Minion Prince is defeated, a full life bar will be depleted; in particular, if the extra life bar is full when this occurs, it will be completely depleted without affecting the regular life bar. If the Minion Prince is damaged or defeated when defending, the life bars will be completely unaffected.
    • Both the regular life bar and the extra life regenerate at the same rate, with the regular life bar regenerating fully before the extra life bar regenerates. The regeneration time listed in-game is the time taken for one of the two life bars to regenerate, meaning the time taken to regenerate both life bars after both have been emptied is twice the regeneration time.
    • For the Minion Prince to participate in battle, the regular life bar must be full. If the regular life bar is not full after a battle, the Minion Prince will have to sleep for a period to regenerate the regular life bar before he can be used for battle, proportional to the amount of missing health on the regular life bar.
      • However, if available, you can use a Book of Heroes to instantly recover both his health bars, regardless of regeneration time. Likewise, using a Hammer of Heroes can also do the same, except you also do not need to spend resources.
    • Hero regeneration after a Multiplayer Battle starts as soon as the player starts to search for a Multiplayer opponent. So, if the player spent some time searching for an opponent to attack before completing an attack, part of the regeneration will be completed by the time the player returns to their village. However, if the player cancels the attack by pressing "End Battle" before completing an attack, the regeneration will be reset. This effect is more noticeable in the highest leagues below Legend League where a significant amount of time can be spent searching for such opponents.
  • As a Hero, the Minion Prince has an ability that can be used once per battle which allows him to recover some of his health, and the amount increases at every fifth level. The Hero Equipment that he wields may add additional effects to the ability or a unique passive effect, on top of various passive stats increase.
    • When unlocked, he starts with the Henchmen Puppet and the Dark Orb.
      • The Henchmen Puppet summons a pair of Henchmen, provides a brief invisibility, and grants an increased health recovery. It gives a passive increase to damage.
      • The Dark Orb launches an ice crystal that travels forward from the Minion Prince and affects all enemy targets in its vicinity as it travels. Affected targets take some damage and are slowed down temporarily. It gives a passive increase to damage and max health.
    • Upgrading the Blacksmith to level 3 unlocks the Metal Pants.
      • The Metal Pants reduces damage taken for a period of time and grants a vastly increased health recovery. It gives a passive increase to max health.
  • If the ability has not been used before the Minion Prince is about to be defeated, it will by default automatically activate. However, this feature can be toggled off in the settings (by turning off "Automatically use Hero Abilities on KO").
    • This ability can still activate even if the Minion Prince would be one-shot by an attack (such as by a Seeking Air Mine); he will activate his ability and survive with 1 hitpoint.
  • On defense, the Minion Prince will fly around to patrol his area, making him unreachable by units that only target ground such as the Barbarian King.


Offensive Strategies

  • He should be deployed behind the main army of higher health aerial units like Dragons, Dragon Riders, and Balloons. They have a shorter range than Minion Prince and can tank for him as he deals massive amount of damage.
    • Placing him together with Electro Dragons is not ideal, as he may take down buildings that allows the chain lightning to keep going. He should be placed to the the side of the main attack to funnel for the Electro Dragons.
  • Be mindful of the defending Minion Prince, as he is untargetable by units which target ground. Use Wizards or the Archer Queen to knock him out of battle.

Defensive Strategies

  • As a defending Hero, make sure to place him near the center of the base, as he will distract aerial units due to his high hitpoints.
  • To counter the attacking force, one should place their Air Defenses and Sweepers in a way that they can counter Hero Equipment such as the Giant Arrow. You should also spread aerial traps to prevent them from being wasted by a single Balloon, so that the Seeking Air Mines will maximize its potential by dealing damage to Dragons, or the Minion Prince.


Preferred Target Attack Type Movement Speed Attack Speed Range Search Radius
Any Ranged (Ground & Air) 24 0.85s 4.5 tiles 10 tiles
Damage per Second
Damage per Hit
Health Recovery
Regen Time
Upgrade Cost
Dark Elixir
Upgrade Time
Hero Hall Level Required
Hero Hall11
1 173 147.05 1,200 200 18m N/A N/A 3
2 177 150.45 1,242 200 18m 5,000 2h 3
3 181 153.85 1,284 200 18m 5,500 4h 3
4 187 158.95 1,326 200 18m 6,000 8h 3
5 191 162.35 1,368 240 20m 6,500 10h 3
6 196 166.6 1,410 240 20m 7,000 12h 3
7 201 170.85 1,452 240 20m 7,500 14h 3
8 206 175.1 1,494 240 20m 8,000 16h 3
9 211 179.35 1,536 240 20m 8,500 18h 3
10 216 183.6 1,578 280 22m 10,000 20h 3
11 222 188.7 1,620 280 22m 10,500 22h 4
12 227 192.95 1,662 280 22m 11,000 1d 4
13 233 198.05 1,704 280 22m 11,500 1d 4
14 238 202.3 1,746 280 22m 12,000 1d 4
15 244 207.4 1,788 320 24m 12,500 1d 4
16 251 213.35 1,830 320 24m 13,000 1d 4
17 257 218.45 1,872 320 24m 13,500 1d 4
18 263 223.55 1,914 320 24m 14,000 1d 4
19 270 229.5 1,956 320 24m 14,500 1d 4
20 277 235.45 1,998 360 26m 15,000 1d 4
21 284 241.4 2,040 360 26m 17,000 1d 5
22 290 246.5 2,082 175 26m 19,000 1d 5
23 298 253.3 2,124 360 26m 21,000 1d 5
24 305 259.25 2,166 360 26m 23,000 1d 5
25 313 266.05 2,208 400 28m 25,000 1d 5
26 321 272.85 2,250 400 28m 27,000 2d 5
27 329 279.65 2,292 400 28m 29,000 2d 5
28 337 286.45 2,334 400 28m 31,000 2d 5
29 345 293.25 2,376 400 28m 33,000 2d 5
30 354 300.9 2,418 440 30m 35,000 2d 5
31 363 308.55 2,460 440 30m 37,000 2d 12h 6
32 372 316.2 2,502 440 30m 39,000 2d 12h 6
33 381 323.85 2,544 440 30m 41,000 2d 12h 6
34 39 332.35 2,586 440 30m 43,000 2d 12h 6
35 401 340.85 2,628 480 32m 45,000 3d 6
36 411 349.35 2,670 480 32m 47,000 3d 6
37 419 356.15 2,712 480 32m 49,000 3d 6
38 427 362.95 2,754 480 32m 51,000 3d 6
39 437 371.45 2,796 480 32m 53,000 3d 6
40 446 379.1 2,838 520 34m 55,000 3d 6
41 455 386.75 2,880 520 34m 60,000 4d 7
42 464 394.4 2,922 520 34m 65,000 4d 7
43 474 402.9 2,964 520 34m 70,000 4d 7
44 484 411.4 3,006 520 34m 75,000 4d 7
45 494 419.9 3,048 560 36m 80,000 4d 7
46 504 428.4 3,090 560 36m 85,000 5d 7
47 513 436.05 3,132 560 36m 90,000 5d 7
48 523 444.55 3,174 560 36m 95,000 5d 7
49 534 453.9 3,216 560 36m 100,000 5d 7
50 545 463.25 3,258 600 38m 105,000 5d 7
51 556 472.6 3,300 600 38m 110,000 6d 8
52 566 481.1 3,342 600 38m 115,000 6d 8
53 575 488.75 3,384 600 38m 120,000 6d 8
54 584 496.4 3,426 600 38m 125,000 6d 8
55 591 502.35 3,468 650 40m 130,000 6d 8
56 598 508.3 3,510 650 40m 135,000 7d 8
57 604 513.4 3,552 650 40m 140,000 7d 8
58 610 518.5 3,594 650 40m 145,000 7d 8
59 614 521.9 3,636 650 40m 150,000 7d 8
60 619 526.15 3,678 700 42m 155,000 7d 8
61 623 529.55 3,720 700 42m 160,000 8d 9
62 628 533.8 3,762 700 42m 165,000 8d 9
63 631 536.35 3,804 700 42m 170,000 8d 9
64 636 540.6 3,846 700 42m 175,000 8d 9
65 639 543.15 3,888 750 44m 180,000 8d 9
66 643 546.55 3,930 750 44m 185,000 8d 9
67 646 549.1 3,972 750 44m 190,000 8d 9
68 649 551.65 4,014 750 44m 195,000 8d 9
69 652 554.2 4,056 750 44m 200,000 8d 9
70 656 557.6 4,098 800 46m 205,000 8d 9
71 658 559.3 4,161 800 46m 210,000 8d 10
72 661 561.85 4,224 800 46m 215,000 8d 10
73 665 565.25 4,287 800 46m 220,000 8d 10
74 670 569.5 4,350 800 46m 225,000 8d 10
75 675 573.75 4,413 850 46m 230,000 8d 10
76 680 578 4,476 850 46m 240,000 8d 10
77 685 582.25 4,539 850 46m 250,000 8d 10
78 690 586.5 4,602 850 46m 260,000 8d 10
79 695 590.75 4,665 850 46m 270,000 8d 10
80 700 595 4,728 900 48m 280,000 8d 10
81 705 599.25 4,791 900 48m 290,000 8d 11
82 710 603.5 4,854 900 48m 300,000 8d 11
83 715 607.75 4,917 900 48m 310,000 8d 11
84 720 612 4,980 900 48m 320,000 8d 11
85 725 616.25 5,043 950 48m 330,000 8d 11
86 730 620.5 5,106 950 48m 340,000 8d 11
87 735 624.75 5,169 950 48m 350,000 8d 11
88 740 629 5,232 950 48m 360,000 8d 11
89 745 633.25 5,295 950 48m 370,000 8d 11
90 750 637.5 5,358 1,000 48m 380,000 8d 11

Hero Equipment

  • When attacking, the Minion Prince can use two of the below pieces of Hero Equipment, which change the abilities he has and grants additional stat bonuses.
  • The Minion Prince does not use any Hero Equipment when defending.
  • Select the equipment below to learn more about the abilities and stat bonuses that each piece gives.


Patch Type Description
November 7, 2024 Sneak Peek Thr Minion Prince was officially revealed for the first time, initially named as a "private investigator".
November 21, 2024 Sneak Peak Revealed the Minion Prince's official name.
November 25, 2024 Update The Minion Prince was added to the game with 90 levels.


Hero Skins

Skin Availability

Minion Prince Skins

Minion Prince Skin Features


Starting Level

Main article: Hero Hall#Hero Hall Migration
  • When the Town Hall 17 update launched, players above Town Hall 9 may not need to upgrade their Minion Prince from scratch. Instead, the Minion Prince starts at a certain level, depending on the level of the Hero Hall the player was given.
  • The starting level of the Minion Prince is equal to the level cap of the Hero Hall level one lower than the level of Hero Hall given to the player. For example, if players were given a level 5 Hero Hall, the Minion Prince will start at the level cap of the level 4 Hero Hall, that being level 20.
  • If the player was given a level 3 Hero Hall, the Minion Prince will start at level 1, matching the standard progression of a Town Hall 9 player.



  • The Minion Prince was teased by Supercell two weeks before the release of the Sneak Peeks and right before the start of the Hammer Jam. He appeared as an "Undisclosed Character" and "Private Investigator", which was theorized by everyone to be a new Hero.
  • The Minion Prince can be seen in bushes of the Classic Scenery before he is officially added to the game, similar to the Spirit Fox.


  • The Minion Prince is the second Home Village Hero to be added to a previous Town Hall rather than the newest. The first being the Barbarian King.
  • The Minion Prince is the third aerial Hero in the game overall, the first being the Grand Warden (if on Air Mode) and the second being the Battle Copter.
    • However, if we are counting only the Home Village Heroes, then the Minion Prince is the second aerial Hero in the game, the first being the Air Mode Grand Warden.
    • The Minion Prince is also the only Hero who defends as an aerial unit, as the Battle Copter does not participate in defense, and the Grand Warden always defends in ground mode.
  • The Minion Prince is the only Hero that is based off of a Dark Elixir unit.
    • While the Apprentice Warden is also a Dark Elixir unit, he was added after the Grand Warden, who is an Elixir Hero.
  • The Minion Prince is the only Hero that can be leveled up automatically depending on the player's highest Hero level once the Hero Hall is placed.
    • However, in order for him to be unlocked, the Hero Hall must be at least level 3.
  • The Minion Prince is the only Hero not to have a signature ability like the Iron Fist and Royal Cloak upon release as he is released after Hero Equipment reworked the ability system and splitting them up.
  • The Minion Prince is one of the 6 units that is associated with Minions, the others being the Beta Minion, Super Minion, Henchman, and the Mini-Minions from the Mini-Minion Hive.
  • The Minion Prince is the first and currently the only non-human Hero in the game.
Home Village Army
Elixir Troops BarbarianArcherGiantGoblinWall BreakerBalloonWizardHealerDragonP.E.K.K.ABaby DragonMinerElectro DragonYeti (Yetimite) • Dragon RiderElectro TitanRoot RiderThrower
Dark Elixir Troops MinionHog RiderValkyrieGolem (Golemite) • Witch (Skeleton) • Lava Hound (Lava Pup) • BowlerIce GolemHeadhunterApprentice WardenDruid (Bear)
Super Troops Super BarbarianSuper ArcherSuper GiantSneaky GoblinSuper Wall BreakerRocket BalloonSuper WizardSuper DragonInferno DragonSuper MinerSuper MinionSuper Hog Rider (Super HogSuper Rider) • Super ValkyrieSuper Witch (Big Boy) • Ice Hound (Ice Pup) • Super Bowler
Heroes & Hero Equipment Barbarian King: Barbarian PuppetRage VialEarthquake BootsVampstacheGiant GauntletSpiky BallSnake Bracelet (Snake)
Archer Queen: Archer PuppetInvisibility VialGiant ArrowHealer PuppetFrozen ArrowMagic Mirror
Minion Prince: Henchmen Puppet (Henchmen) • Dark OrbMetal Pants
Grand Warden: Eternal TomeLife GemRage GemHealing TomeFireballLavaloon Puppet (LavaloonLavaloon Pup)
Royal Champion: Royal GemSeeking ShieldHog Rider PuppetHaste VialRocket SpearElectro Boots
Elixir Spells Lightning SpellHealing SpellRage SpellJump SpellFreeze SpellClone SpellInvisibility SpellRecall SpellRevive Spell
Dark Spells Poison SpellEarthquake SpellHaste SpellSkeleton Spell (Skeleton) • Bat Spell (Bat) • Overgrowth Spell
Siege Machines Wall WreckerBattle BlimpStone SlammerSiege BarracksLog LauncherFlame FlingerBattle DrillTroop Launcher
Pets L.A.S.S.IElectro OwlMighty YakUnicornFrosty (Frostmite) • DiggyPoison LizardPhoenixSpirit FoxAngry Jelly