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For the spells that heal units, see Healing Spell/Home Village and Healing Spell/Clan Capital.
Revive Spell info

"The Healer’s own special recipe! The Revive Spell brings a defeated Hero in its range back into the fight with some health. Bring this Spell into battle, and a floating golden heart will appear above any defeated Hero that can be revived. Upgrade the Revive Spell to increase the amount of health Heroes regain."


  • The Revive Spell is the ninth and currently the final Elixir spell unlocked, when the Spell Factory is upgraded to level 8, requiring Town Hall 15.
  • The Revive Spell only functions when a Hero is knocked out. If the player has at least one Revive Spell in their inventory, a golden heart with wings will appear above any Hero that gets knocked out, indicating they are eligible to be revived. When used, the Revive Spell targets the revivable Hero closest to where it is deployed (within a range of 8 tiles) and revives them, bringing them back to battle-ready condition with most of their health. Tapping the golden flying heart on a defeated Hero can also do the same, even when the Spell is not selected.
    • If there are no eligible Heroes in range if selected, the spell will disappear without taking effect, wasting the spell.
    • If there are multiple Heroes in range, the effect will only apply to the closest Hero to where the Spell was deployed.
  • Heroes can be revived multiple times, provided that the player has the necessary Revive Spells.
  • If "Activate Hero Abilities on KO" is turned on in the settings, the Hero ability will be activated first before the Hero can be knocked out to be revived by the Revive Spell.
  • If the Hero is knocked out during a timed ability, such as that provided by the Rage Vial or Invisibility Vial, the ability timer will tick down while the Hero is KO'd. The ability can be resumed if the Hero is revived while the timer is ongoing.
  • If the Hero is knocked out while paired to a Pet, the Pet is considered to have decoupled from that Hero upon the Hero's initial KO. They will not rejoin the Hero (nor will the Hero influence their behavior) when the Hero is revived.


Offensive Strategies

Defensive Strategies


Trigger Radius
Favorite Target
Housing Space
Spell Factory Level Required
Spell Factory
8 tiles Heroes (Single Target) 2 8
Brewing Time of Revive Spell
Spell Factory available Spell Factory upgrading
6m 12m
Hero Heal %
Research Cost
Research Time
Laboratory Level Required
1 60% N/A N/A N/A
2 65% 18,000,000 10d 13
3 70% 20,000,000 14d 14
4 75% 22,000,000 16d 15


Patch Type Description
November 24, 2024 Sneak Peek Announced the Revive Spell, with 4 levels.
Revive Spell info
November 25, 2024 Town Hall 17 Update Added the Revive Spell.


Short Animations



  • Out of all the Spells in the game, the Revive Spell is the only spell that revives a unit upon usage, specifically Heroes in the Home Village.
Home Village Army
Elixir Troops BarbarianArcherGiantGoblinWall BreakerBalloonWizardHealerDragonP.E.K.K.ABaby DragonMinerElectro DragonYeti (Yetimite) • Dragon RiderElectro TitanRoot RiderThrower
Dark Elixir Troops MinionHog RiderValkyrieGolem (Golemite) • Witch (Skeleton) • Lava Hound (Lava Pup) • BowlerIce GolemHeadhunterApprentice WardenDruid (Bear)
Super Troops Super BarbarianSuper ArcherSuper GiantSneaky GoblinSuper Wall BreakerRocket BalloonSuper WizardSuper DragonInferno DragonSuper MinerSuper MinionSuper Hog Rider (Super HogSuper Rider) • Super ValkyrieSuper Witch (Big Boy) • Ice Hound (Ice Pup) • Super Bowler
Heroes & Hero Equipment Barbarian King: Barbarian PuppetRage VialEarthquake BootsVampstacheGiant GauntletSpiky BallSnake Bracelet (Snake)
Archer Queen: Archer PuppetInvisibility VialGiant ArrowHealer PuppetFrozen ArrowMagic Mirror
Minion Prince: Henchmen Puppet (Henchmen) • Dark OrbMetal Pants
Grand Warden: Eternal TomeLife GemRage GemHealing TomeFireballLavaloon Puppet (LavaloonLavaloon Pup)
Royal Champion: Royal GemSeeking ShieldHog Rider PuppetHaste VialRocket SpearElectro Boots
Elixir Spells Lightning SpellHealing SpellRage SpellJump SpellFreeze SpellClone SpellInvisibility SpellRecall SpellRevive Spell
Dark Spells Poison SpellEarthquake SpellHaste SpellSkeleton Spell (Skeleton) • Bat Spell (Bat) • Overgrowth Spell
Siege Machines Wall WreckerBattle BlimpStone SlammerSiege BarracksLog LauncherFlame FlingerBattle DrillTroop Launcher
Pets L.A.S.S.IElectro OwlMighty YakUnicornFrosty (Frostmite) • DiggyPoison LizardPhoenixSpirit FoxAngry Jelly