Clash of Clans Wiki
Clash of Clans Wiki
Thrower info
"This powerful pitcher has his eye on the prize! The Thrower hurls mighty spears from long range at enemies and Defenses. His secret? The strength lies in his fabulous facial hair!"

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3


  • The Thrower is the eighteenth and currently the last Elixir troop unlocked in the Home Village, He is a ground unit with moderate hitpoints and damage but has a long attack range, which can hit both ground and air targets.
  • Throwers have no preferred target when attacking; they will simply attack the closest building. However, if they become aware of enemy Clan Castle troops, Heroes, or Skeleton Trap skeletons (either by being attacked themselves or by being near another friendly troop under attack), and can fight back against them, they will leave their previously targeted building and instead engage the enemy troops. Once all of the nearby enemy troops are defeated, the Throwers will proceed to attack the nearest structure.


Offensive Strategies

  • The best strategy for using Throwers involves creating a quick funnel. Start by deploying a hero, preferably the Barbarian King or Archer Queen, or use the Siege Barracks. Once the funnel is established, deploy a line of Yetis or other tanky troops like Golems followed by the Throwers. This combination creates a devastating attack strategy against opponents.
    • When using Throwers in a spam attack, make sure to spread out your Throwers in a line, so that they will not be taken out by splash defenses like the Scattershot and the Eagle Artillery. This increases the Throwers' survivabilities, ensuring that they will eventually destroy the enemy base with support from other units like Yetis.
  • By themselves, Throwers have a low survivability rate against defenses, but is significantly improved if tanks are involved (Yetis, Golems, or the Barbarian King), as the aforementioned units are the ones to absorb the damage for the Throwers.
    • Their moderate health and high damage per second meant Grand Warden can use the Life Gem and Rage Gem combo to support them if they are the main attack force.
  • The Throwers can be placed inside the Battle Blimp, which can be a substitute for if the player struggles to use Super Archers. They also have much more health, which means that they can survive blasts from the Bomb Tower, Giant Bombs and regular Bombs, even with a mis-timed Invisibility Spells. However, due to their low hitpoints, they can get taken out by multiple of these traps, and can get taken out easily, especially when the Tornado Trap leads them to the Giga Bomb.
    • However, they cost more housing space, and must be used effectively.
    • Using a combo of Super Archers and Throwers inside the Battle Blimp, as the former will destroy any Skeletons they come across due to their piercing splash damage, whereas the latter unit focuses the damage to a single target, especially a defensive building, only without piercing.
  • Super Bowlers can be replaced by Throwers in a Warden Walk, as they have a similar range to the Grand Warden, with the additional benefit of reaching defenses that are from far away, and both can be healed by Healers at the same time, especially if they are paired with the Rage Spell.
  • As a Clan Castle troop, he can also be paired with Healers on his own, in a Thrower Walk/Charge, due to his long range. This is best done at low Town Hall levels (6-7).

Defensive Strategies

  • Due to their slow attack speed, Skeletons from Skeleton Traps can distract Throwers for enough time so that the defenses can finish them off.
  • High-damage defenses such as Ricochet Cannons, Multi-Archer Towers, and the Monolith can prove to be effective in taking them out if they are exposed.
    • Scattershots and Firespitters can also be useful to damage attacking Throwers as they are usually used as a spam troop and are grouped closely together, as well as other supporting units behind it.

Upgrade Differences

  • The Thrower gains minor visual changes at every level.
    • Initially, the Thrower is a cyclops with pink skin, red hair and a beard, somewhat long fingernails, flat toenails and pointy ears. He wears a silver helmet on his head, and a chainmail loincloth which is held by a rope with a circular-squared shaped buckle with a spike at the center. He wields a very large spear on which he throws it from a long distance.
    • At level 2, his spear has some rope wrapped around the back.
    • At level 3, his skin turns lilac, and the tip of his spear turns from silver to gray.


Preferred Target Favorite Target Attack Type Damage Type Housing Space Housing Space Movement Speed Movement Speed Attack Speed Attack Speed Barracks Level Required Barracks Range Range
None Single Target (Ground & Air) 16 16 2.5s 18 6 tiles
Training Time of Throwers
Barracks available Barracks upgrading
3m 10s 6m 20s
Damage per Second
Damage per Attack
Research Cost
Research Time
Laboratory Level Required
1 180 450 1,800 N/A N/A N/A
2 190 475 1,950 21,000,000 14d 14
3 200 500 2,100 23,000,000 16d 15


Patch Type Description
November 21, 2024 Sneak Peek The first appearance of the Thrower was seen in this official YouTube video without his helmet.
November 25, 2024 Update The Thrower was added to the game, with three levels.



  • You can have a maximum of 20 Throwers at one time in a complete set of fully upgraded Army Camps. This number increases to 23 if you include 3 that can fit into a level 11 or higher Clan Castle. On the battlefield, you can clone an additional 8 Throwers with four level 6 or higher Clone Spells (three from the regular spell inventory and one from a level 10 or higher Clan Castle), for a total of 31 Throwers.
  • In the official YouTube video by Clash of Clans (see History), the Thrower can be seen without his helmet.
  • Despite the fact that the Thrower is a cyclops and therefore having only one eye, which meant he does not have depth perception, he is able to throw spears at very long distances.
  • All of the Thrower's sounds are unique, except for the spear impact, in which it reuses the impact sound of the Wizard's fireball.
Home Village Army
Elixir Troops BarbarianArcherGiantGoblinWall BreakerBalloonWizardHealerDragonP.E.K.K.ABaby DragonMinerElectro DragonYeti (Yetimite) • Dragon RiderElectro TitanRoot RiderThrower
Dark Elixir Troops MinionHog RiderValkyrieGolem (Golemite) • Witch (Skeleton) • Lava Hound (Lava Pup) • BowlerIce GolemHeadhunterApprentice WardenDruid (Bear)
Super Troops Super BarbarianSuper ArcherSuper GiantSneaky GoblinSuper Wall BreakerRocket BalloonSuper WizardSuper DragonInferno DragonSuper MinerSuper MinionSuper Hog Rider (Super HogSuper Rider) • Super ValkyrieSuper Witch (Big Boy) • Ice Hound (Ice Pup) • Super Bowler
Heroes & Hero Equipment Barbarian King: Barbarian PuppetRage VialEarthquake BootsVampstacheGiant GauntletSpiky BallSnake Bracelet (Snake)
Archer Queen: Archer PuppetInvisibility VialGiant ArrowHealer PuppetFrozen ArrowMagic Mirror
Minion Prince: Henchmen Puppet (Henchmen) • Dark OrbMetal Pants
Grand Warden: Eternal TomeLife GemRage GemHealing TomeFireballLavaloon Puppet (LavaloonLavaloon Pup)
Royal Champion: Royal GemSeeking ShieldHog Rider PuppetHaste VialRocket SpearElectro Boots
Elixir Spells Lightning SpellHealing SpellRage SpellJump SpellFreeze SpellClone SpellInvisibility SpellRecall SpellRevive Spell
Dark Spells Poison SpellEarthquake SpellHaste SpellSkeleton Spell (Skeleton) • Bat Spell (Bat) • Overgrowth Spell
Siege Machines Wall WreckerBattle BlimpStone SlammerSiege BarracksLog LauncherFlame FlingerBattle DrillTroop Launcher
Pets L.A.S.S.IElectro OwlMighty YakUnicornFrosty (Frostmite) • DiggyPoison LizardPhoenixSpirit FoxAngry Jelly