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Dark Elixir Drill6


File:Dark Elixir Drill1.png File:Dark Elixir Drill2.png File:Dark Elixir Drill3.png
等級 1 等級 2 等級 3
File:Dark Elixir Drill4.png File:Dark Elixir Drill5.png Dark Elixir Drill6
等級 4 等級 5 等級 6

  • 概述
    • 暗黑重油鑽井從地下收集暗黑重油,當玩家收集暗黑重油的時候,會放置在暗黑重油罐裏。當暗黑重油鑽井滿後,就會停止生產直至玩家收集。
    • 攻擊者可以偷取暗黑重油鑽井內 75% 未收集的暗黑重油。當你擁有太多未收集的暗黑重油的時候,會令你成為一個吸引的攻擊目標。
    • 暗黑重油鑽井會佔用 3x3 的位置。
    • 在2014聖誕更新後,暗黑重油鑽井及暗黑重油罐會在大本營等級7的時候解鎖。第二跟第三個鑽井會分別在大本營等級8及10級的時候解鎖。暗黑重油分別可以透過攻擊別人的部落、參與部落戰爭、點擊暗黑部隊死後的黑墓碑或使用寶石獲得。
    • 當你選擇升級暗黑重油鑽井的時候,系統會自動幫你收集任何未收集的暗黑重油。如果你的暗黑重油罐滿了,未收集的暗黑重油會消失。當暗黑重油鑽井正在升級的時候,它會停止生產暗黑重油,如果在升級的過程中被摧毀,不會有任何資源被攻擊者偷取,因為鑽井內根本沒有暗黑重油。
    • 暗黑重油的分量很難在沒有放大的環境下看到,但是你可以容易的看見暗黑重油的分量。如果暗黑重油鑽井是空的,代表鑽井的儲存分量在20%以下,當暗黑重油鑽井是滿的代表鑽井最少已注滿60%。
    • 你可以使用寶石提升它的生產速度,使用寶石會令一天內鑽井的生產速度翻倍。
    • 當攻擊別人的時候,觀察敵人暗黑重油鑽井最容易的方法是觀察鑽井的底座。相對於它的頂部,底座在六個等級中都有顯着的變化。

  • 升級變化
    • 暗黑重油鑽井在3級的時候外觀會出現明顯的變化。
    • When initially constructed, the Dark Elixir Drill consists of a huge helical auger, suspended from a sturdy wooden frame with mortared stone footings. A deep hole, framed with wood, sits under the auger.
    • At level 2, the Drill's footings become smooth white stone, and the tops of the wooden pillars suspending the auger receive plating. Three hexagonal shapes are also added to the top of the drill.
    • At level 3, a large part the drill's top surface and frame become covered in gold plating, and the footings gain a grey metal plate.
    • At level 4 the footings trade their smooth stone and grey plate for smooth dark iron.
    • At level 5 the mining hole increases in size and the footings acquire a gold cover.
    • At level 6 the gold cover on the footings is replaced by a spiked gold plate. The auger itself turns gold as well.

  • 瑣事
    • The level 3 Dark Elixir Drill will continue to produce over the course of a full 12-hour shield (assuming it was empty when the shield is obtained). A level 5 Dark Elixir Drill will continue to produce over the course of a full 16-hour shield.
    • 當你使用鑽石加速暗黑重油鑽井時,將有一個鍾浮現在鑽井上方,持續幾秒。


等級 建造花費 Elixir 建造時間 經驗值獎勵 Experience 加速花費 Gems 儲存量 Dark Elixir 生產速度 Dark Elixir 生命值 注滿所需時間 Catch-Up Point* 大本營等級需求
1 1,000,000 1天 293 7 160 20/小時 800 8小時 N/A 7
2 1,500,000 2天 415 10 300 30/小時 860 10小時 4天 7
3 2,000,000 3天 509 15 540 45/小時 920 12小時 6天 7
4 3,000,000 4天 587 20 840 60/小時 980 14小時 12天 9
5 4,000,000 6天 720 25 1,280 80/小時 1,040 16小時 18天 9
6 5,000,000 8天 831 30 1,800 100/小時 1,100 18小時 32天 9

* The Catch-Up Point is the time at which the newly upgraded Dark Elixir Drill has equaled the total production of the drill had it not been upgraded - this does not consider recovering the cost of the Elixir required to perform the upgrade.

Caveat: The Catch-Up Point calculation assumes that the player collects all resources from the Dark Elixir Drill without allowing it to reach its storage capacity, as resource production ceases at that point. This is more of a concern at lower levels where the capacity is limited and Time to Fill is relatively short. If the player is unable to regularly collect and achieve the full potential of the collector, the Catch-Up Point is actually shorter and performing the upgrade becomes more advantageous.

For additional statistics and information, see the Unit Calculators page.

防禦性建築 加農炮箭塔城牆迫擊砲隱形炸彈防空火箭隱身彈簧法師塔空中炸彈巨型炸彈特斯拉電磁塔搜空地雷X連弩地獄之塔
資源建築 聖水收集器聖水瓶金礦儲金罐建築工人小屋暗黑重油罐暗黑重油井
軍隊建築 兵營訓練營實驗室法術工廠野蠻人之王祭壇暗黑訓練營弓箭女皇祭壇
其他建築 大本營部落城堡裝飾路障