Clash of Clans 中文

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Elixir Storage11


File:Elixir Storage1.png File:Elixir Storage2.png File:Elixir Storage3.png File:Elixir Storage4.png File:Elixir Storage5.png
等级 1 等级 2 等级 3 等级 4 等级 5
File:Elixir Storage6.png File:Elixir Storage7.png File:Elixir Storage8.png File:Elixir Storage9.png File:Elixir Storage10.png Elixir Storage11
等级 6 等级 7 等级 8 等级 9 等级 10 等级 11

  • 概述
    • 圣水瓶让你可以储存由圣水收集器获得的圣水。最高的储存量可以到200万,而在攻击中可能被抢的数量会由大本营的等级来决定。(参见以下段落)当你的圣水瓶满了的时后,任何在攻击中获得的圣水会无法获得(但抢夺圣水量的计算还是会计入,该量会在相关的成就中使用)
    • 圣水瓶会占3x3的空间。
    • 圣水瓶在昇级的时候还是会运作。.
    • 你在还不需要用到这么多量的时候昇级你的圣水瓶,仍有助于你在被攻击时减少被抢夺的圣水数量。当攻击者攻击时,它每次攻击可抢到的量,会因为储存比例的高低而而减少,而昇级后的圣水瓶也生命力较高,需要较久才能完全破坏。
    • 圣水瓶与储金罐是互相对应的。
    • 它储存圣水,但是用金币来昇级。

  • 昇级后的差异
    • Elixir Storages undergo significant visual changes at levels 5, 9 and 10.
      • When initially constructed, the Elixir Storage consists of a stoppered spherical storage vessel supported by a pair of wooden stakes. The level 2, 3 and 4 Storages each add an additional vessel.
      • At level 5, the multiple small vessels are discarded in place of a much larger single storage container. The vessel grows larger at levels 6, 7 and 8.
      • At level 9, the two wooden support stakes are removed in favor of four golden yellow footings. The vessel's stopper is also replaced by a gray metal spigot near the base of the vessel.
      • At level 10, the four footings received spiked armor plating on each corner.
      • At level 11, the Storage gains a spiked metal band around the waist of the vessel.

  • 其他
    • The word "Elixir" comes from "al iksir", which is the Arabic word for miracle substances. Dating back to the third century BC, Elixir was rumored to change base metals into gold and prolong life indefinitely.
    • Troops running from barracks to army camps that pass behind a storage will be seen as a silhouette as they pass behind. NOTE: This only happens if elixir storages are upgraded to level 5 or higher and are half way or more full.


等级 储存量 Elixir 生命值 建设花费 Gold 建筑时间 获得经验值 Experience 大本营所需等级
1 1,500 400 300 10秒 3 1
2 3,000 600 750 30分钟 42 2
3 6,000 800 1,500 1小时 60 2
4 12,000 1,000 3,000 2小时 84 3
5 25,000 1,200 6,000 3小时 103 3
6 50,000 1,400 12,000 4小时 120 3
7 100,000 1,600 25,000 6小时 146 4
8 250,000 1,700 50,000 8小时 169 4
9 500,000 1,800 100,000 12小时 207 5
10 1,000,000 1,900 250,000 1天 293 6
11 2,000,000 2,000 500,000 2天 415 7


Gold/Elixir Storages—Percent Lootable by Town Hall Level
Town Hall Level % Available to be Stolen Cap Storage Amount to Reach Cap
1-5 20% 200,000 1,000,000
6 18% 200,000 1,111,111
7 16% 250,000 1,562,500
8 14% 300,000 2,142,857
9 12% 350,000 2,916,667
10 10% 400,000 4,000,000
Gold Mines/Elixir Collectors—Percent Lootable by Town Hall Level
Town Hall Level % Available to be Stolen Cap
All 50% Capacity of Mine/Collector
Dark Elixir Storage—Percent Lootable by Town Hall Level
Town Hall Level % Available to be Stolen Cap Storage Amount to Reach Cap
7 6% 1,200 20,000
8 6% 2,000 33,333
9 5% 2,500 50,000
10 4% 3,000 75,000
Dark Elixir Drills—Percent Lootable by Town Hall Level
Town Hall Level % Available to be Stolen Cap
All 75% Capacity of Drill
Clan Castle War Loot—Percent Lootable by Town Hall level
1 - 5 6 7 8 9 10
10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5%
Town Hall Levels—Loot Multiplier
Town Hall Level Difference Percentage of Loot Available
Same or higher level 100%
1 level lower 90%
2 levels lower 50%
3 levels lower 25%
4 or more levels lower 5%


防御性建筑 加农炮箭塔城墙迫击炮隐形炸弹防空火箭隐身弹簧法师塔空中炸弹巨型炸弹特斯拉电磁塔搜空地雷X连弩地狱之塔
资源建筑 圣水收集器圣水瓶金矿储金罐建筑工人小屋暗黑重油罐暗黑重油井
军队建筑 兵营训练营实验室法术工厂野蛮人之王祭坛暗黑训练营弓箭女皇祭坛
其他建筑 大本营部落城堡装饰路障

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